WiggleRig Reference


This utility class creates wiggle bones for a whole Skeleton. It is configured by adding values to the userData property of the bones.

  • (1) Bones that define userData.wiggleVelocity are considered wiggle bones.
  • (2) Bones that define userData.wiggleStiffness and userData.wiggleDamping are considered wiggle springs.
  • (3) Other bones are considered static bones.

Tip: Custom properties in Blender can be imported to Three.js as userData properties when using the official gltf exporter/importer.


import { WiggleRigHelper } from "wiggle/rig";

const bone = skinnedMesh.getObjectByName("LeftBone");
bone.userData.wiggleVelocity = 0.1;

const wiggleRig = new WiggleRig(skinnedMesh.skeleton);

const loop = () => {


WiggleRig(target: Skeleton);
  • target (required) – reference to the skeleton where the rig will be applied to.



Resets all the wiggle bones in this rig to their original transforms relative to their parent.

.update(dt: Number)

Animates all the wiggle bones in the rig.

  • dt (optional) – time delta since the last update. If not provided, this is calculated internally using performance.now()

Removes all the wiggle bones and reverts the hierarchy to the original state.

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